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The Monodoxy is a 275,000 word-long philosophical disquisition categorised as the first of twelve disquisitions that, when considered collectively, form The Omnidoxy, the founding treatise of the philosophy of Astronism established by Cometan. The disquisition comprises of hundreds of discourses which are themselves titled by rubrals and written according to a style and structure known as insentence. The Monodoxy's authorship solely rests with Cometan, the first Millettic philosopher and the founder of Astronism whom began writing The Monodoxy at the age of just seventeen through what he termed as personal inspiration. 

The Monodoxy has been said to formulate the thematic identity of the philosophy of Astronism due to its prominent focus on the elements, progeny, and phenomena of The Cosmos in a distinct way to all the other eleven disquisitions forming The Omnidoxy. Hundreds of new schools of thought, disciplines of study, and philosophical belief orientations hold their roots in The Monodoxy in addition to thousands of new terms, concepts, and theories which hold a distinguished originality and Cometanic style combined with an Astronic identity. There are a total of fifty-three discourses which constitute The Monodoxy, each of which holds its own special title known as a rubral which are used to provide overviews of the discourses to which they are associated.

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